Imprint “”

Dipl.Psych.Andreas v.Wallenberg Pachaly, Psychological Psychotherapist

Ehrenstr.3, 40479 Düsseldorf, Germany, Tel.:0211-4985900, e-mail:

Responsible supervisory authority: Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein, Emanuel-Leutze-Str.8, 40547 Düsseldorf, Tel.:0211-5970-279

Responsible chamber: Psychotherapeutenkammer NRW, Willstätterstr.10, 40549 Düsseldorf, Tel.:0211-5228470

Job title: Psychological Psychotherapist (awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany)

Relevant professional regulations:

– Act on the professions of psychological psychotherapist and child and adolescent psychotherapist (Psychotherapeutengesetz – PsychThG), ( – Category: Legal)

– Heilberufsgesetz NRW ( – Category: Legal)

– Professional Code of Conduct of the Psychotherapist Chamber NRW


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